
Confessions and Confusions of a Freelance Fullstacker.

Ashok Mannolu Arunachalam, How toSpring BootJava

How to include a @Configuration from a dependency

As a Full Stack Web Developer, I developer features as a whole. A complete vertical development so to say. As you can see from my stack, I use Spring Boot with Java for BE mostly.

I have recently encountered a situation where I need to include only one @Configuration of a library.

As per the docs, we can do using @Import annotation.

If following is the library config that I want to import,

public class SharedLibConfig {
public SharedBean sharedBean() {
return new SharedBean(...);

then we just have to import this config in our configurations as follows:

@Import({ SharedLibConfig.class, AnotherSharedLibConfig.class })
public class AppConfig extends ConfigurationSupport {
// @Bean methods here we can reference
// @Bean methods in SharedLibConfig or AnotherSharedLibConfig.